Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Who determines what I am eligible for? Can I talk to someone for more in-depth information regarding my VA status?

A. 澳门十大赌城官方网站隶属于弗吉尼亚州布法罗地区处理办公室. Call 888-442-4551 for answers to your questions or submit a question on the AVA仪表盘 提问页面 在美国.S. Department of Veterans Affairs web site. 


Q. 什么是认证? When should I turn in my paperwork?

A. 认证(VA表格22-1999 -电子通过VAONCE)是你学校的认证官员发送给VA区域处理办公室的信息. The student's enrollment dates, 训练状态, and class standing are all part of the certification. 你越早上交你的文件,你就能越早收到每月的福利. 经验法则:在课程注册后尽快上交表格,以确保及时获得认证. You have one year from the start of a semester to file for benefits.

Q. What is a Letter of Intent (LOI)?

A. They are also available at FSU’s Office of Veteran Services, 在校园的拐角处, physical location – 50 Park Avenue.

Q. Do I need to submit anything with the LOI?

A. 是的,您需要确保提交您的学术要求或学位计划的副本. 研究生需要提供一份有导师签名的学位计划副本(数字或纸质).

Q. What should I do if I change my enrollment?

A. If you change your enrollment, 立即填写并提交更改注册表或发送电子邮件到 School Certifying Official. Withdrawing from a course may reduce your benefits. 除非你能证明这种变化是由于减轻情节造成的,否则你可能必须偿还救济金. (If you have mitigating circumstances, 通知学校的认证官员,以便将信息添加到更新的认证中.)在更改的登记表上注明取消和/或增加的课程以及更改的生效日期.

Q. What if I change my major?

A. 您需要提交VA表格22-1995和您的新学术要求或学位计划的副本. 在学校认证官员(SCO)收到这些文件之前,您的认证无法完成。. You have 30 days to report the change to the VA.


Q. If I fail, will the GI Bill® still pay? May I retake a class to improve my grades?

A. 如果你不及格,教授会记录你的成绩和最后一次出勤日期. 这可以通过最后一次收到作业、最后一次考试等来确定. If this date is earlier than the end of the semester, the failing grade needs to be reported to the VA. 例如, 如果教授最后一次收到你的作业是在课程结束前一个月,并且给了你不及格的分数, 你的成绩会被报告给退伍军人管理局,并被视为你在那天退了课. 当由VA处理时, under the Post-9/11 chapter, a debt will be created for the cost of tuition and fees, BAH and possibly book money paid for that class. 其他章节会根据你在那门课上收到的每月津贴建立债务.

Q. What if I'm placed on academic probation because of low grades?

A. The VA uses the same progress standards listed in the FSU catalog. If your low grades lead to suspension due to unsatisfactory progress, the suspension will be reported to the VA. 当学生被留校察看时,学校认证官员必须报告.

Q. Can I receive tutorial assistance?

A. 你应该先联系普伦堂151室的辅导中心,看看是否有所需科目的辅导. 个人辅导援助可以由《澳门十大赌城官方网站》®第30章、第33章、第35章和第1606章报销. Tutorial assistance is not available for chapter 1607 at this time. 你必须提供一份课程导师的信,说明你在这门课上有不足,并且个别辅导可以帮助你改正不足. The Tutoring Center has a list of available tutors. The monthly amount reimbursed cannot exceed $100. 应用, complete VA Form 22-1990t, 个别辅导的申请及入学证明. Forms are available on the GI Bill®网站, or, from FSU's Office of 退伍军人服务. You will be required to pay the tutor up front and the VA will reimburse you.

What the GI Bill® Pays For

Q. Can I take any courses I want?

A. The VA will only pay for classes that are degree-applicable. This means only classes that will count towards your degree program. The VA will pay for required orie courses or 先决条件. See below concerning remedial classes.

Q. Will the VA pay for classes toward a minor?

A. 如果你的学位有选修课,你可以用这些选修课辅修课程. Otherwise, classes for a minor cannot be counted for certification. 当你已经完成了你的开放选修课,以后的选修课学分就不能被认证了.

Q. What if I want to take degree applicable classes at another school?

A. 同时在两所不同的学校上课被称为并行招生. An example would be taking classes during the same semester at FSU and HCC. 在另一所学校上课时,请使用“同时入学表”. 该表格可从注册办公室和退伍军人服务办公室获得. Complete the form and return it to the Registrar’s Office for processing. 表格一经批准,注册办公室将向上海合作组织提供一份副本. 该表格随后由FSU的认证官员签署,并与家长信一起传真到同时就读的学校进行认证.

Q. Will the GI Bill® pay for remedial courses?

A. Yes, if you can demonstrate need. ACT、SAT或分班考试成绩低的学生需要补习课程. If you do not have qualifying test scores, your remedial course cannot be considered for GI Bill® benefits.

Q. Will the GI Bill® pay for courses I audit?

A. No. The VA views an audited course the same as a dropped course.

Q. Will the GI Bill® pay for honors courses?

A. Yes, but only when those courses count toward your major/degree. If a course is not degree-applicable, you cannot receive benefits.

Q. Can I receive benefits for a test for a license or certification?

A. Tests approved by the State Approving Agency may be reimbursed. Information about license and certification test reimbursement is at the GI Bill®网站.


Q. How do I update my direct deposit information or my address?

A. Call the VA at 877-838-2778 to update your direct deposit information. 第三十章, 1606和1607学生在网上验证出勤,可以在该网站更改地址和直接存款信息. 其他章节的学生应该拨打VA热线电话1-888-442-4551来更新他们的地址.

Q. Are VA education benefits taxable?

A. No. 根据退伍军人事务部管理的任何法律支付的任何退伍军人福利都不应作为收入报告给国税局(IRS)。.

Q. What is enrollment verification and do I have to do one?

A. Only Chapters 30, 1606 and 1607 must verify at this time. In order to receive your monthly benefits from the GI Bill®, you must verify your enrollment at the end of each month. There are two ways to verify; both are available 24 hours a day.

GI Bill®网站 under Information for Benefit Recipients/WAVE.

Telephone 877-823-2378 and use the Interactive Voice Response.

Q. Who pays my tuition and fees?

Chapters 30, 35, 1606 and 1607

A. It is your responsibility to see that tuition and fees are paid on time. 学费 and fees are due prior to the start of each semester. Your benefits are paid at the end of each month for that month.


A. 学生应向FSU学校认证官员提供资格证书. 还必须在学期开始前提供完整并签署的LOI表格. 然后,学校认证官员和学生账单办公室将确定应从VA支付的金额.

If this anticipated payment will not pay the student's bill completely (i.e., your eligibility level is not 100% or you have housing & 膳食计划),学生将被要求支付余额和/或填写延期表格. 学生账单办公室有这些表格,这些表格也在本网站的表格部分. 未支付剩余余额的学生将产生滞纳金,并可能因未支付而取消所有课程. VA cannot be charged for late fees or reinstatement fees.


A. When paperwork is received from the VOCREHAB case manager, FSU的退伍军人服务办公室将向学生账单办公室提供一张适用学位课程的代金券. 一份副本也将提供给FSU书店,以便学生可以在课程开始日期之前拿起他们的书籍和用品.


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关VA提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问官方网站 U.S. 政府退伍军人事务部网站.


